Sunday, July 10, 2011

How to propagate bamboo

Although bamboo can be invasive in the garden, it is surprisingly tricky to propagate. Timing is the key to success with this attractive landscape plant.


    • 1
      Propagate bamboo in early spring before active growth begins. Lengthening daylight hours and rising temperatures will be the best indication of when to dig. High summer heat or low winter temperatures will decrease viability.
    • 2
      Dig and divide existing clumps of bamboo. Dig around the outside of the clump with a spade. Using a spading fork, gently lift the clump from the soil. This may be a two person job if the clump is large.
    • 3
      Use a sharp pruning saw to divide the bamboo clump in several pieces. Each division should have at least 3 culms (the large woody stems). Make sure that you get some root and foliage for each division. Discard any pieces that don't have both roots and culms.
    • 4
      Reduce foliage if a significant amount of root is lost in digging. Roots will only support a corresponding amount of foliage. Make sure there are some green leaves left on the culm so that the new plants can photosynthesize.
    • 5
      Fill clean 1-gallon nursery containers halfway with potting soil that is rich in organic matter and fast draining.
    • 6
      Set the bamboo divisions in the prepared nursery containers. Adjust the soil so that the top of the root ball sits just above the surface. Top dress with potting soil to 1 inch below the rim of the pot (leaving room for water). Bamboo likes to be root-bound, so squeeze them in tight.
    • 7
      Place the new plants in a protected location in partial shade - no direct sun until new growth appears.
    • 8
      Soak the containers until water runs out of the drain holes. Water whenever the soil feels dry to the touch

      Tips & Warnings

      Apply no fertilizer until the plants begin to show new growth.

      The existing foliage may wither, but as the plants recover, the existing culms will send out new leaves.

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