How to Care for Pansy Flowers

Pansy flowers, also called violas, are known for the distinctive "monkey face" markings on their blooms. These flowers do best in mild and cooler climates. The small plants are often treated as annuals as flower borders and in window boxes, small patio pots or flowerbeds. Pansies are a classic fall and winter flower for the southern states in planting zones six through nine. Pansies that receive at least five hours of sunlight daily will produce more blossoms than shaded plants. Caring for Pansies 1 Plant pansy flowers after the last frost in northern areas of the United States (with extremely cold winters and mild summers). Plant pansies before the first frost of fall in southern states (with mild winters and harsher summers). 2 If the pansies will be placed in flowerbeds with full sunlight, plant them 6 inches apart to allow for growth. You can plant pansy flowers closer in hanging baskets and flower boxes. Choose baskets and boxes with good drainage to avoid root rot. ...