Common name: False kamani, almendras, badamier, Java almond, amandier de Cayenne, tropical almond, wild almond, Indian almond, myrobalan, Malabar almond, Singapore almond, ketapang, Huu kwang, Sea almond, kobateishi, West Indian almond, amandel huu kwang . Family: Combretaceae (Combretum family) . Overview This tree thrives as an ornamental tree in many tropical cities in the world. Tropical almond is a large deciduous stately tree, originally from India , growing up to 90 feet tall with horizontal whorls of branches offering clusters of foot long; obviate leaves that turn pink-red to red - yellow before falling. Some of the pigments responsible for this are: violaxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin. There are also flavonoids present such as quercetin and kamferol. The leaves contain also tannins (s. a. punicalin, punicalagin and tercatein). The greenish - white female - and male flowers are on the same tree; these flowers are inconspicuous and not very showy. It has large (2...