Things to consider before buying a garden water feature

Consider these essentials before you invest in one for your outdoor space Before you invest in a garden water feature for your outdoor space, there are a lot of logistics to consider, from the supply of water to the general maintenance. Here are things everyone should consider first. 1. You probably don't need a water supply. Of-the-shelf water features are self-contained, they just need topping up occasionally. 2. But if the feature has moving water, unless it's solar powered, you will probably need an electricity supply to drive the pump. 3. Pretty much all water features work the same way. There's a reservoir of water (or sump), which has a pump which moves water up a pipe. Gravity then brings the water back down to the reservoir. Whether this mechanism is surrounded by stainless steel, granite or a sculpture, the principle is the same. 4. Listen to the water feature – do you like the sound? This is almost more important than what it looks like. If it sounds like a bat...