Best Cactus Varieties to Grow Indoors

One of the downsides of growing houseplants can be keeping the environment humid enough to maintain the health of tropical plants, which often need jungle-like conditions to truly thrive. This is not a problem for cactus aficionados, as these desert plants appreciate dry air and average room temperatures. Although some sun is necessary for cactus health, many species can get by on three hours a day, and supplementary lighting can help specimens living in north-facing windows. A happy cactus may even surprise you with vibrant blooms, a bonus for plants that already thrill with otherworldly shapes and spiny textures. The slow growth and easy care requirements of these popular varieties will add charm to mixed container plantings and make elegant standalone specimens as well. Tip For most cacti, soil with good drainage is one of the keys to success. Angel Wings Cactus The Opunta albispina cactus, also known as an angel wing cactus or bunny ears cactus is a member of the prickl...