How To Germinate Palm Seeds

Over the years I've tried many different methods to germinate palm seeds. Some methods that I've tried are very complex, but I've learned that for most species, the simpler techniques work just fine. Presented here are the results of my experiences over the years: an easy method which yields success. Follow these guidelines and you can maximize your success germinating palm seeds. Harvest the seeds... It's best to collect seeds when the palm fruit is completely ripe or as soon as it falls from the tree. The fresher the seed, the better results you will have. The probability of successfully germinating palm seeds decreases with time. The time that seeds remain viable varies widely, from weeks to years, even among trees of the same species. clean them... Palm seeds are enclosed in a fleshy or fibrous skin, or wall, that generally should be removed before germination. The removal of the fleshy part of the fruit maximizes germination chances and minimizes the chance of ...