Growing Mickey Mouse Plants

Mickey Mouse plant (Ochna serrulata) is named not for the leaves or blooms, but for the black berries that resemble the face of Mickey Mouse. If you want to attract butterflies and bees to your garden, Mickey Mouse plant is a good choice. The plant is suitable for growing in climates where temperatures never drop below 27 degrees F. or -2 degrees C. What is a Mickey Mouse Plant? Mickey Mouse plant, native to subtropical southern Africa, is also known as carnival bush, Mickey Mouse bush or small-leaved plane. The plant is a small, semi-evergreen shrub that reaches mature heights of 3 to 8 feet. The plant loses its shiny green leaves in spring, but they are soon replaced with new, pink-flushed foliage. Sweet-smelling yellow blooms form at the tips of the branches in spring. The flowers don’t last long, but the petals soon turn bright red, which cover the plant in early summer. Shiny black berries are suspended from these petals. How to Grow Mickey Mouse Plants Growing Mickey M...