Asplenium nidus

Bird’s nest fern is an evergreen, epiphytic fern with a short rhizome and large leaves that can be 150cm long and 20cm wide The plant is sometimes harvested from the wild as a local food source. It is commonly grown as an ornamental in the tropics. Range East tropical Africa, through tropical Asia to northern Australia and the Pacific Islands. Habitat An epiphytic plant, sometimes growing on rocks, at elevations from sea level to 1,200 meters Cultivation Details A plant of moist areas in the tropics. Requires a shady position and humid conditions[ Edible Uses Leaves – parboiled and eaten Ash from the burnt leaves can be used as a salt substitute Medicinal The leaves are said to be contraceptive, depurative and sedative, It is used in the treatment of chest pains It is used externally for the treatment of stings and bites Propagation Seed -Division.