indoor vine plants

Houseplants brighten and cheer the indoors, bringing the outside into the home environment. Growing climbing vines indoors can be easily accomplished and there are quite a few common indoor vine plants to choose from. How to Grow Climbing Houseplants Since vines tend to grow voraciously and often without regard to parameters, care of indoor vines requires regular pruning, training onto a trellis or the like, and monitoring water and food needs. Often indoor climbing plants are sold in hanging baskets so the vining arms dangle down from the pot. Light conditions vary according to the variety of plant chosen. Common Indoor Vine Plants There are a number of indoor climbing plants on the market. Here are some of the more common indoor vine plants: Philodendron: One of the most common comes from the large Philodendron genus, amongst which there are 200 species with some climbing varieties and some non-climbing. Climbing varieties are usually grown in hangi...