simple tips to maintain your garden

G ardening is a much-loved activity but unfortunately, due to our busy lifestyles, we don't all have the time to beautify our outdoor spaces. So how exactly can we give our gardens the attention it deserves? To get the nation gardening smarter, we suggested 10 tips across watering, lawn maintenance and weeding to help you see greater rewards from your own garden. Watering 1. Keep flowering beds evenly moist. Water just 1-2 times per week. 2. It's better to water plants in the evening or early in the morning, when the soil is cooler, as less will evaporate than during the heat of the day. 3. Avoid watering leaves or plant heads to avoid mould formation, and water gently to avoid damage. 4. Try an automatic irrigation system if you are away a lot. With a water control they can regulate the amount of moisture in the soil so can let more or less through depending on how the soil feels. Lawn 5. Protect your lawn from hot weather – temperatures o...