Kalmia latifolia

Common Names: mountain laurel, calico bush Family: Ericaceae (heath Family) Description Mountain laurel is a dense, bushy shrub that is usually less than 10 ft (3 m) tall with an equal spread. Occasional specimens may reach tree size, up to 30 ft (9 m) in height. Mountain laurel has leathery evergreen leaves that are glossy dark green, elliptic to oval in shape, 2-5 in (5-12 cm) long, and arranged alternately on the stems. With mountain laurel it’s all about the inflorescence, which is extremely showy. Individual flowers are bowl shaped, a little less than an inch (2.5 cm) across and may be pale pink, fuchsia, almost crimson or white, usually with darker pink markings on the inside of the corolla. Several flowers are borne in rounded clusters (corymbs) 3-4 in (7-10 cm) across. The buds that precede the flowers are dark pink and nearly as showy as the flowers. Mature fruits are inconspicuous dry capsules that eventually split open to release extremely tiny seeds. This beautiful Am...