Syringa reticulata

Common Names: Japanese tree lilac Family: Oleaceae (olive Family) Description Japanese tree lilac is a large shrub or (more commonly) a small tree, cone shaped, and getting up to 30 ft (9 m) tall and 20 ft (6 m) wide. The deciduous leaves are opposite, 3-6 in (8-15 cm) long, and oval to broadly heart shaped with pointed tips. They are dark shiny green, sometimes turning dull yellowish brown before falling in autumn. In summer Japanese tree lilac bears large showy panicles of fragrant creamy white flowers. Some compare the fragrance to that of Japanese privet ( Ligustrum japonicum ) blossoms, not necessarily a compliment. The flower clusters are 6-12 in (15-30 cm) long and composed of many tiny tube shaped blossoms. Fruits are small, dry leathery capsules that turn brownish yellow in late summer. The bark is shiny purplish brown and smooth when young, flaking in curled patches on older specimens. Small stems and twigs are hollow. Cultivars of Japanese tree lilac ...