Guide to Low-Maintenance Houseplants

Savvy indoor gardeners know themselves and their limitations. Do you forget to water and feed your houseplants? Can you only offer low-light conditions? Is your indoor air dry? If this sounds like you and your home environment, low maintenance houseplants are your best choice. The following plants tend to do well in most situations, and they are generally easy to find at nurseries and home supply stores. Keep in mind that though they can withstand abuse, they all prefer a little TLC when time permits. And all plants, even cactus, need some water to survive. Aglaonema ( Chinese evergreen ): This slow-growing tropical is grown for its graceful, oblong leaves. It is one of the best plants for low-light conditions and will survive on infrequent watering. Chinese evergreen even likes to be somewhat root-bound, so repotting is only necessary every two to three years. Aspidistra elatior (cast-iron plant): As its common name implies, this houseplant can withstand a great dea...