Caladium bicolor

Caladiums are tropical plants growing from tubers, most known for their colorful foliage, and used as a houseplant or summer bedding plant. About This Plant Any garden with a shady location has a perfect spot for caladiums. These tropical tubers, most of them varieties derived from Caladium bicolor , are grown for their dramatic summer foliage. They are naturals in beds with ferns or coleus, in pots to accent shady spots, or used as indoor houseplants. Special Features Caladium bicolor is widely available at garden centers and nurseries. The leaf shape is oval or like an arrowhead. There are a multiple hybrids available offering a range of leaf colors and patterns. Tall varieties such as white ‘Candidum’ and pink ‘Carolyn Whorton’ put on a beautiful show, but since each tuber has only one to three active buds, the leaf count is low. Lance-leaved types, including ‘Rosalie’ and ‘White Wing’, produce many more leaves from multiple buds, but the leaves are thinner and not...