Different Types of Fertilizers

In this article we will explain in detail types of fertilizers and their uses regarding providing nutrients to plants, and maintaining the quality of soil. Fertilizers are complex chemical compounds that are necessary for proper growth and development of plants. They are either added to the soil or applied on the leaves of the plants in the liquidated form. They can be broadly categorized into two types – organic and inorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers include – cow manure, green manure, organic compost, etc. The inorganic ones are chemical substances prepared specifically to suit a particular purpose. They are also known as chemical fertilizers, and are usually available in a powdered and granular appearance. Some of them are also manufactured in the form of liquid. Fertilizers primarily supply three major nutrients to the soil. They are – Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). Hence, they are commonly referred to as NPK fertilizers. Fertilizers with Nitrog...