Monday, February 27, 2012

Asparagus setaceus

Although it has the common name of asperagus fern , this plant is not even related to ferns and should not be classified as such . it is in fact from the lily family , a point which surprises many . it is a useful plant for display throughout the home and is relatively easy to grow . apart from being suitable for a traditional pot or container , the asparagus fern also makes a good subject for a hanging pot or hanging basket . not only is it suitable for use as an indoor plant , either singly or in association with other plants , but it also provides interesting foliage for cut flower arrangements. The asparagus dislikes a warm and dry atmosphere as the foliage can rapidly dehydrate with resultant desiccation and browning of the leaf tissue
Plant type foliage plant with upright , compact habit
Season of interest : All year around
Flower : insignificant , sometimes followed by small red berries , producing spring/summer
Leaf : Tiny , green ,needle-like , on branchlets
Temperature: 13-20C(55-68F)
Aspect/light: well-lit situation out of direct sunlight
Humidity : moderate to high
Watering : keep compost evenly moist in spring and summer , water less in autumn and winter  but avoid drying out
Feeding : once every two weeks with half strength houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer
propagation: sow seeds at 21C (70F) in seed and cutting compost in spring , separate in mid spring to mid summer using houseplant potting compost
Potting : houseplant  potting compost
Problems: Dehydration due to dry atmosphere
Availability : commonly available throughout year

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