Tuesday, January 6, 2015

How to Calculate Lawn Irrigation Water Usage

it’s become increasingly important to know how much water you use to irrigate your yard

Watering Do’s and Don’ts

Water your yard early in the morning and soak the ground thoroughly so that it penetrates to a depth of at least 3″. While the amount of water needed will vary depending on your climate, the weather, and the time of year; the general rule of thumb is to make sure your lawn receives 1″ of water to your lawn per week during dry conditions.
To see how much water your grass is actually receiving, put several containers with straight sides—such as a coffee mug, metal can, or plastic container—on the ground around the yard while you are watering. Then use a ruler to measure the depth of the water in the container.

Calculating Water Use

To provide your lawn with one inch of water takes a little over half a gallon per square foot (0.623 gallon to be more exact). That means that every 10’x10’ area will require over 62 gallons of water. That doesn’t sound like much until you consider that a 100’ x 100’ lawn uses 6,230 gallons of water every time you turn on the sprinklers!
To calculate the amount of water you use, multiply the width times the length of your yard in feet to get the number of square feet of area. Then multiply that figure by 0.623 to come up with the number of gallons used (or use our calculator below).
This assumes that your yard is square or rectangular. For more unusual shapes, you’ll have to dig out your old high school geometry book to come up with the amount of area involved.

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