Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Curcuma Alismatifolia Plant Care

Curcuma alismatifolia, Siam tulip or summer tulip is a tropical plant native to Laos, northern Thailand, and Cambodia. Despite its name, it is not related to the tulip, but to the various ginger species such as turmeric. It can grow as an indoor plant, and is also sold as a cut flower 

Curcuma Alismatifolia. It is originally from Malaysia and the tropical forests of Australia. It is part of the Zingiberaceae family.

Curcuma Alismatifolia is a plant with modest requirements when it comes to light, but it can not stand the direct sunlight. It has high requirements when it comes to soil moisture and air humidity

Curcuma Alismatifolia needs very much heat, and the minimum temperature should not drop below 15 degrees Celsius.

Curcuma Alismatifolia is attacked by the red spiderthe woolly lice and the test lice. The treatment should contain an insecticide associated with an acaricide, and must be applied every 10 to 14 days.

From spring till autumn, you must ensure maximum light conditions, but you should know that Curcuma Alismatifolia can not stand the direct sunlight.

 Curcuma Alismatifolia must be abundantly watered and the soil is the flowerpot must be maintained moist. The leaves of the plant should be sprayed with water.

The plant fertilization must be done twice a month using NPK Fertilizer 20-20-20 

During the winter, you can keep the plant without water and light, but you must be careful that the room temperature doesn't drop below below 4-5 degrees Celsius.

In spring, you may replant the rhizomes in the soil.

Creative Woodland Gardens ideas