Agave Americana “Marginata”

An extremely tough and resilient plant with a pleasing, symmetrical habit of growth. Great care should be taken with the agave as the barbed edges of the leaves and needle-sharp tips can be very dangerous. Ensure that it is placed well away from where people could brush against the leaves , and wear gardening gloves (and even goggles) when tending to the plant . for potting and other activities it is advisable to wrap the agave with news paper for safety . The common name for century plant refers to the age at which it was once though to flower.
Although this is not true, the plant does not put forth its greenish yellow flowers for a long time, after flowering, the agave will die, but not before it has produced several offsets, which can be removed and propagated.

Common name: century plant
Plant type: Succulent with erect rosette
Season of interest: all year around
Size: 30-100 cm (12-39in) (can grow larger)
Flower: Greenish-yellow on flower spike, rarely produced, in summer, plant dies after flowering
Leaf: 15-45cm (6-18in) long, 5-7.5cm (2-3in) wide (will grow larger if space is available), fiercely serrated and pointed, fleshy , green and gold
Temperature: 10-20cm (50-68F)
Aspect/light: Full light
Humidity: tolerates warm dry atmosphere
Watering: moisten compost infrequently throughout year, keeping on dry side, particularly in autumn and winter
Feeding: once every month with houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer
Propagation: remove offsets when 10 cm (4in) with greatest care (wear goggles and gloves)
Potting: cactus and succulent compost
Problems: very dangerous to children and others due to sharp leaves, pests generally tend to leave the plant alone
Other varieties: A.’Medio-picta’- yellow stripe down centre


  1. Thanks Sir ,
    For more Photos Check our video


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