Brunfelsia pauciflora

Light and position :
Brunfelsias need light shade during the summer , the sort they will get if they are placed beneath another taller plant . during the winter months they need stronger light , if possible two or three hours of sunlight a day

Temperature range :

A minimum winter temperature of 10 c ( 50 F) is perfect for these plants while they are resting . given a slight boost to 15 c ( 59 F) in the early spring , the plant will start to produce new growth in preparation for the summer flowering display

Water freely during the spring and summer when the plants are actively growing . give as much water as is necessary to keep the compost thoroughly moist at all times . during their resting period they need the bare minimum of water so provide only enough to prevent the compost from drying out completely .
Brunfelsias will really thrive if the air around them is kept moist , so give them a daily spray with soft rainwater .
Alternatively , stand their pots on trays of moist aggregate

Seasonal care :
To encourage the plants to produce new flowering wood and to keep them withen their allotted space, they will need a really good prune in early spring . using sharp secateurs , remove as much as half of the previous season's growth


Brunfelsias like to be firmly planted in a soil – based compost . provide extra drainage in the form of broken crocks at the base of the pot . repot annually at pruning time until the final pot size is reached thereafter top-dress


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