Cactus plants are not just weird-looking with their thorny or prickly foliage. No, you can find some flowering cactus plants as well. The best part is they are houseplants that are always on-trend.
You find them in different colors, shapes, and sizes. So, if you want to give your neighbors some competition in having the best outdoor and indoor garden, Plantly will help you choose these flowering varieties to grow that are sure to do the trick.
Stunning Flowering Cactus Plants
To embrace your inner-crazy side, you can invest in these gorgeous indoor cactus plants. Or you can place them in your succulent garden. The best part is they store water in the foliage, making them hardy plants. The other fantastic thing is you can grow them outside or inside your living space. So branch out with these excellent choices.
Christmas Cactus
Now, this is one flowering cactus without a prickly side. Instead, the blossoms develop into pink or red flowers that emerge from the ends. Another exciting thing is that it is native to South America.
The plant has flat rounded segmented stems with notches on both sides. The bright flowers, when taken care of, return every year. The succulents thrive in high humidity and need more watering than your other cacti.
Easter Cactus
Like the Christmas cactus, the Easter cactus makes for a great display in hanging baskets without the spines. The botanical name for this cactus is Hatiora gaertneri. It is a spring-flowering cactus plant.
The cacti are famous for their bright flowers in red and pink. They thrive in a tropical climate, and, even without the flowers, it has ornamental foliage that displays well in any home or garden.
Golden Barrel Cactus
Okay, you might not be able to grow the Echinocactus grusonii as an indoor plant, but it looks fabulous in a rockery garden. The cactus grows up to four feet tall and has an iconic round shape popular to plant in drought-tolerant areas.
You will find that the younger plants need a bit more shade to grow, but they flourish in full sun once they mature. The cactus need a rich, well-draining cactus mix.
Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus
Look at the gorgeous pink flowers on this cactus but be careful; those spines can hurt. The Echinocereus engelmaniie has many names, from Saint’s cactus to the purple torch.
These are small cactus plants growing free-branching clusters on an erect stem. The cactus grows up to 28-inches tall, and the ornamental spines make this succulent stand out in the garden.
It can tolerate light shade, but it needs a sunny spot for container growing.

Old Lady Cactus
Just look at the cactus blooms. WOW, pretty amazing, right! The old lady cactus or Mammillaria hahniana are native to Mexico. It is a powder puff cactus with white spines and down. It is also an easy caring plant whether it’s treated as an indoor or outdoor plant.
The plant also has spherical stems, and the spheres grow around four inches tall and five inches wide. One thing about this cactus plant is it does not like being lonely and prefers growing in groups with other succulents.
Another exciting thing to look forward to in spring and summer is that this spiky ball takes on a new look. It blooms a red-purple flower on the crown and looks like a headband. It creates a perfect halo effect.

Hedgehog Cacti
The claret cup cactus also goes by the name hedgehog, or if you want to get a bit scientific, Echinocereus triglochidiatus. The Mojave mound cactus and, yes, another famous name, the kingcup cactus, can grow up to heights of three feet.
Now, if you grow this succulent in your garden, it produces juicy fruit that is bright orange when ripe. Many people say the fruit tastes like strawberries. It also makes for a perfect color display in the garden.
The only thing is that it prefers more gravel soil than most cacti.

The prickly pear cactus is more than just a cactus. It produces the most delicious fruits to eat as well. You find them growing in Mexican origin like a tall shrub or tree with a thick woody trunk. The leaf pads are covered with bristles, giving it the name prickly pear even the fruit is prickly.
It produces an orange flower with a green fruit that can turn black to purple as it ripens. This fruit is so delicious, but what a mission to clean it. Still, this succulent is an invasive species in some countries and is classified as a weed.
Bunny Ears Cactus
Now, the bunny ears cactus is a rare plant not found easily. The cacti also go by the name angel wing cactus. Still, do not be fooled by the name. In contrast, it looks like a nonthreatening plant. This one is very prickly when touched.
Each of the dots you see on the surface is a glochid with hundreds of small thorns. So, take care working with this cactus plant. The cactus thrives in full sun and blooms white flowers with a yellow center.
How Often Does Cactus Bloom?
Cacti look like intimidating plants, but many grow flowers that add color to your living space. Still, how often they bloom depends on your cactus plants. When kept as a houseplant, it can take up to ten years for your cactus to bloom.
Some can even take up to 50 years. Then you have the Agaves that only bloom once in their lifetime, and the Christmas cactus blooms yearly. When they blossom, it can vary, but generally, it happens during spring and summer with more sun available. Still, you can find some cacti flowering at night or in winter.
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